Wednesday 14 April 2010

Earthquake in my home

The earthquake in Chile was the fifth more big in the human history. This was five times stronger than Haiti earthquake. All people in center zone felt it, someone were in their houses, other in buildings, pubs, discotheques, bathroom... i was in my home, specifically in my bed listening music. I got home at three o`clock and then went me to bed when began to move the soil. I took it few importance but my mother was scared and she told me than leave the home, then i went out of my room and went to door´s frame, there we were with my brothers and our mom waiting the silence and the quiet. I haven´t fear at earthquakes, i react well like my brothers.

After, with my brother "Lonchi" went to see our friends in the neighborhood, for luck all were fine, the houses and the ways too.

It seems to me that authorities and people were the responsibility for the bad actions that follow them. For me, the ONEMI is the main institution responsible of many deaths, more than SHOA.


  1. for luck you were in your houseo with your family and than don't had nothing wrong

  2. hello nico blue:
    but i disagree with you, because SHOA for the laws is responsably for determining whether a tsunami is likely. They are that know about the theme.
    Is only my opinion.

  3. I think that the ONEMI and SHOA took very bad decisions. Is a Shared Responsibility

  4. hi Nico, your team lost yesterday!!
    Arsenal vs Tottenham
    seems chelsea will be champion this year
    sea you son dude

  5. Nicogol!
    We haven't the sam photography, My picture is prettier xD

  6. Hi Nico gooll

    I think the same,,, the ONEMI and SHOA was very irresponsible,,,,

    ok see youuu



  7. yeah nico, the moms always get scared a little with these situations... 0.0

    I disagree with you, because I think that the SHOA is institution responsible of many deaths, more than ONEMi , because this it was responsible for informing the Onemi about the tsunami...
    Although, also, I think that ONEMI has a bureaucratic's problem.

    This it my opinon

    see you in the FAU.
